Monday, July 27, 2020

Paragraph Writing: A Village Doctor, A Street Hawker & Your School Library - PDF ফাইল


(a) Who is a village doctor? 
(b) What is his qualification? 
(c) What type of things are found in
his dispensary? 
(d) When does he come'to his dispensary and see his patients? 
(e) What is his importance in the society?

The man who gives medical treatment to the village people is known as a village doctor. The village doctor is a man of great importance in society. He is well known to the villagers. He renders great service to the villagers when they fall ill. He is not well-qualified. He does not have a good schooling. He gathers experience by working under a qualified doctor or in a
medicine shop. His dispensary offers a poor show with one or two worn out almirahs, an old wooden chair, a broken table and one or two benches. The village doctor leads a very hard and busy life. He gets up early in the morning. He begins to attend the patients present at his dispensary just at 8.00 am and finishes at late hours of night. Though he sometimes
worsens the disease of a patient, he is the most trusted person to the villagers. He is the best friend of the villagers because they find him whenever they call him. He shares their weal and woe. He consoles them with words of hope. He treats his patients with sympathy.


(a) Who is a street hawker? 
(b) What does a street hawker do? 
(c) What sort of man is a street hawker? 
(d) What does he sell? 
(e) How does he attract the attention of customers? 
(f)vWhen does a street hawker come out to sell his things?

A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He càrries his materials on head and sometimes in hand and sometimes in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods at a cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His customers are children and women. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children and sells them at a fixed price at a good rate. He also brings bangles, ribbons, clothings, fruits, utensils, fancy goods and things of domestic uses for women. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. A hawker also knows the time/hour of his business. He does not come when housemasters are at home. Rather he comes when housemasters are out of home and when women are free from their household work and duties.


a) What is a library? 
b) What is the importance of a school library?
c) Where is it located? How are
books arranged?
d) How many persons are there in your library to help the students?
e) How do the assistants help the students?
f) Can students read in the library? How are books issued to the students?
g) How do you feel of your school library?

A library is a store house of knowledge. A library satisfies our eternal desire for knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. A library plays an important role in the realm of knowledge. A library is part and parcel of a school: No school is complete without a library. Our school has a big library. It is housed in a seperate two storyed building. The library has a good collection. There are many almirahs. The books are arranged on different shelves according to subjects. The reading room and the office room of the librarian are seperate. There is a librarian in our school library. He is a nice man. There is a big reading room. The reading room is well furnished.  When we take the help of a catalogue, the librarian at once finds the book and helps us. We are issued with library cards. We can borrow books from the library. We are to return the borrowed books after two weeks. In the reading room we can read as many books as we like. Silence is a must here. Nobody is allowed to make a noise. I am proud of my school library.

Paragraph ৩ টি নিচের লিংক থেকে ডাউনলোড করুন
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