Monday, July 27, 2020

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success - Full Book PDF Download


If you are like most people, you know it can be hard to stay motivated and focused 365 days a year whether it be at work, home, school, etc. Especially on those gloomy Monday mornings.
Some people listen to their favorite song to get them energized, some read an uplifting story, and others may watch an inspiring movie.the list goes on. I happen to like reading quotes of successful people. I have quotes placed anywhere that I can see them; in my bedroom, my car, and in my office. Sometimes I come into the office and feel a little lethargic and less motivated than I should be in order to do my job effectively. I need something extra besides a cup of strong coffee to get me going.
All I do is read a quote from my favorite author or businessman, and I seem to get myself back on track. I put this collection of quotes together to help you do the same. We all have the capabilities to achieve just as much success in life as anyone else.
All we need to do is stay motivated and focused, have specific goals and act on them. My hope is that this book gives all of you the extra push you need to get out there and grab life by the horns and achieve all the success life has to offer.
Thomas J. Vilord

What you declare, you will

To accomplish great things, we
must not only act, but also dream,
not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France

When you think you can't...
revisit a previous triumph.
- Jack Canfield 

Victory is always possible for the
person who refuses to stop fighting.
- Napoleon Hill

It doesn't matter what you are
thinking, or what fear you have,
if you just do it! Action is the only
thing that matters...I can see that at
the end of my life, I am not going to
look back and say,
"I wish I had taken more action".
- Diana von Welanetz Wentworth

Winning is not a "sometime" thing. You don't win once in a awhile, you don't do things right once in awhile, you do them right all of the time. Winning is a habit, unfortunately, so is losing.
- Vince Lombardi

The fastest way to pass your own
expectations is to add passion to
your labor.
- Mike Litman

Great works are performed
not by strength, but perseverance.
- Dr. Samuel Johnson

People become successful the minute they decide to.
- Harvey Mackay

Good things come to those who
hustle while they wait.

Your ideas are like diamonds...without the refining process, they are just a dirty rock,
but by cutting away the impurities,
they become priceless.
- Paul Kearly

Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough.
- T.S. Eliot

To be a leader, you must stand for something, or you will fall for anything.
- Anthony Pagano

Courage is facing your fears.
Stupidity is fearing nothing.
- Todd Bellemare

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