Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Completing Story Writining: Dress Doesn't Make A Man Great, The Lion And A Lamb, The Pied Piper Of Hamelin

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Compete the following story following the cue.

A time ago the town of Hamelin was faced with a great problem. It became full A long of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies................


A time ago the town of Hamelin was faced with a great problem. It became full A long of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. They ate up the corn in the granaries. They ran about shrieking and squeaking all the time.
At last the people came to the Town Hall and said to the Mayor, "Do something about the rats or we will send you, packing." The Mayor trembled. He called a meeting of his councillors and talked about the problems for hours. But they could not find a way out. They were in despair. At that moment a tall thin stranger entered the Hall. His dress was made of pieces of cloth of different colours. He went upto the council tables and said, "People call me the Pied Piper. If you pay me a thousand guilders, I will rid your town of rats.'

Complete the following story following the cue.

A lion was drinking water from a brook. At the same time a lamb was also taking
water from the downstream of the same brook........


A lion was drinking water from a brook. At the same time a lamb was also taking water fromn the downstream of the same brook. The lion saw the lamb and wanted to deveour him. As a result, he was thinking about how to accomplish his evil design. At last, he hit upon a plan. The lion accused that the lamb was disturbing him by mudding water. But the lamb tried to refute the accusation by saying that he was taking water from downstream. So the question of mudding water on the part of him did not arise. On the contrary, the lamb replied that it is the lion who was muddying water for him (lamb) as he was drinking water from upstream.
Then the lion retorted that perhaps his father was mudding water for him in the last year. Saying this, the lion attacked the lamb and killed him.

Complete the following story following the cue.

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran.
On his way the night fell. Then he took shelter in a rich man's house. At that time.................


Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran.
On his way the night fell. Then he took shelter in a rich man's house. At that time he had a very simple dress on. The people of that house did not deal wel with the poet. Rather they showed disrespect and dishonour to him. The poet left the rich man's house in utter dismay. A few days later, he went there again with a rich dress on. This time he was duly respected and honoured by the people of the rich man's house. They gave him rich food to eat. The poet did not eat the food but he began to put the food in his pocket. Seeing it the rich man was astonished. He asked the poet about his mysterious behaviour. Then the poet said, "This food is for my dress but not for me. Had it been not so I would have been treated in the same manner when I was very poorly dręsSsed. The rich man was really sad for this. He begged forgiveness of the poet.

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