Saturday, June 20, 2020

Completing Story Writing: Happiness lies in contentment, All that glitters is not gold & Wisdom of king Solomon

 ☞Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him. "How much a year do you earn?"..........

Title : Happiness lies in contentment

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich neighbour of his was a banker who one day said to him. "How much a year do you earn?" The cobbler laughed and said, "How much a year, Sir; I never reckoned in that way, living as I do from hand to mouth; each day some how brings its meal and I am happy. The banker said, "I have resolved to place you above the fear of want. Take these thousand pounds, preserve them carefully and use them in time of need." The cobbler who had never seen so much money at a time in his life before, hurried home and buried his treasure in the earth, but alas! he buried his happiness with it too because at night he could not enjoy a sound sleep. He would remain alert the whole night. He would think of the money. Thus he lost his sleep and happiness. One day he went to the banker and told him that his money had snatched away his sleep. So he told the banker to take his money back and finally the cobbler returned the money to the banker. Again he was able to enjoy sound sleep and mental peace and happiness. Thus it was proved that true happiness lies in contentment.

Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

Once there was a stag in a forest. He felt very thirsty and went to a stream to drink water. The water of the pool was so clear that.............

Title : All that glitters is not gold

Once there was a stag in a forest. He felt very thirsty and went to a stream to drink water.
The water of the pool was so clear that he could see his image in the water. He was very charmed to see the image of his horn. But when he saw his legs, he was very sorry because his legs were very thin and ugly.
While thinking so, he saw a hunter coming towards him with his hounds. The stag was so afraid that he started running fast to save his life. His legs helped him to run fast. But his horns got entangled with the creepers in the bushes. He fell down. The hunter came and killed him. Had he not the horns, he might not have been killed.

 ☞Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

Everyone has heard of Solomon. The king of the Jews was famous all over the world for his wealth and magnificence and specially for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba heard much about the grandeur of Solomon's court and the world wide reputation of his learning and wisdom....................

Title : Wisdom of king Solomon

Everyone has heard of Solomon. The king of the Jews was famous all over the world for his wealth and magnificence and specially for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba heard much about the grandeur of Solomon's court and the world wide reputation of his learning and wisdom. Attracted by such reports. she.came to test the king. She brought with her two
garlands of flowers-one natural and the other artificial. She placed them before the king to take the natural one. Solomon was puzzled for a time. While pondering he noticed some bees humming for honey in a withered rose. He asked the windows to be opened. The bees came in and settled on the natural flowers and thus solved the riddle of the Queen. The Queen of Sheba was surprised and went admiring the king as of great wisdom.

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