Friday, June 19, 2020

Composition Writing: The Wonders Of Modern Science & The Season I Like Best

Write a short composition that tells about the wonders of modern science.


Modern civilization is the gift of modern science. Today we are living in an age of science. Day and night, we make use of innumerable discoveries and inventions of
Electricity is the great power behind many scientific inventions. The electric lamp lights up our houses. Radio, television, telegraph, telephone, cinema, tape recorder, photo-copier, VCR, computers and most of the mills and factories are run by electricity. There are also electric trains, printing presses, cookers, irons, fans, sewing machines etc. run by electricity.
Science has conquered space and time. We can go from one place to another in a very short time by train, steamer, plane or rocket. We have reached the moon. We can now send messages to a great distance in a second. We can talk to anybody in any part of the world by mobile phone. Radio brings songs, music, news, discussions etc. Television brings pictures also eveň in colour. By FAX, any writing or picture can be sent over great distances very easily. Internet is yet another wonder of modern science.
Spinning of yarn, weaving of cloth and sewing of clothes can be done at a great speed. Food processing, house-building, constructing roads and bridges can be done very quickly. Millions of pages can be printed or reproduced in a short time. A calculator can solve a complicated sum in no time.
Science has discoved the causes of most of the diseases and their remedies. A deadly disease like TB has been conquered. Cholera has also been brought under control. Small pox has been eliminated. The X-Ray and the anti-biotic have been very helpful to man. Cornea transplant, by-pass surgery etc. are marvels of medical science.
Science has increased food production greatly. If we can apply the scientific methods properly, there will be no hunger in the world. Tractors, power-pumps, fertilizers, high-yielding varieties of crops and irrigation techniques have
revolutionized agriculture.
But science is not an unmixed blessing. Science has also invented guns, bombs and missiles, battleships and war planes, chemical weapons and nuclear war
To speak the truth science has both blessing and curse.

There are six seasons in Bangladesh and you have a special fascination for one of them. Now write a short composition about the season you like best.


In Bangladesh there appears a new season at a regular interval of every two months. Thus in a year we have six seasons in Bangladesh. They are the summer, the rainy season, the autumn, the late autumn, the winter and the spring. In the cycle of seasons, the spring covers the months of Falgun and Chaitra. Of all the six seasons, I like the spring most. It is called 'the king of seasons'.
My favourite season is the spring. The spring comes with ease and comfort. It has not the damp and humidity of the rainy season, nor the sweltering heat of the summer, nor the biting cold of the winter. The sky is blue. The south-west wind blows.
With the coming of this season, nature herself puts on a gay and lovely look. Charming scenes of new leaves enchant the eyes. Various kinds of flowers bloom in abundance. Their fragrance change the atmosphere. Butterflies move from flower to flower. Their variegated wings make a sight for the eye. Bees come in swarms to gather honey. Their humming music fills the air. In fact, spring is the season of music and melody. The cuckoo hides in bushes and coos. The 'bou kotha kau' draws the mind. Coming after the winter-harvest, the spring brings for the farmers plenty and happiness. During this season people are generally free from
want. Our poets are very much fond of the spring. The infinite variety of its charms have made them fly 'on the wings of poesy'. Coming after the winter, the spring captivates the hearts of the people all at once.

Though it consists of two months, its actual pleasure and spell last only for about three weeks in Falgun. So when summer follows people bewail its hasty departure.

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